AdventureVision Hardware


Hardware Specifications

733 Kips <= 11Mhz divided by 15

Clock is generated by unaccurate RC circuit (~13% error)

  • RAM: 64 bytes (8048 internal), 1KB (on main PCB)
  • ROM: 1KB (BIOS, 8048 internal), 4KB (Cartridge)
  • Input: 4 direction joystick, 4 buttons duplicated on each side of the joystick
  • Graphics: 150×40 monochrome pixels

Memory Map


Port 1 => P1[2] = 0 P1[2] = 1
Address Description Description
$000-$3FF BIOS Cartridge $000-$3FF
$400-$FFF Cartridge $400-$FFF Cartridge $400-$FFF

XRAM (External RAM)

Address Description
$000-$0FF General Storage, 256 Bytes
$100-$1FF Video Bank 1 (Column #1-#50)
$200-$2FF Video Bank 2 (Column #51-#100)
$300-$3FF Video Bank 3 (Column #101-#150)

I/O Port 1

Bit 0-1 : RAM bank switch
These pins select one of the four 256 banks that external RAM should use.

Bit 2 : BIOS disable
These pin is used to disable or enable the internal BIOS.
When set to 0 the internal BIOS ROM is enabled from $000-$3FF.
When set to 1 the beginning of the cartridge ROM appears at $000-$3FF.

Bit 3-7 : Controller
These pins receive the controller status, inputs are active low.
Note: For inputs to work, the pins need to be outputted with logic 1.
Stick can’t do diagonals.

Input P1[7] P2[6] P2[5] P2[4] P2[3] Combinations
Button 1 1 1 0 0 1 Down + Up
Button 2 1 0 1 0 1 Down + Right
Button 3 1 1 1 1 0 Action
Button 4 0 1 1 0 1 Down + Left
Stick Down 1 1 1 0 1 Down
Stick Up 1 1 0 1 1 Up
Stick Right 1 0 1 1 1 Right
Stick Left 0 1 1 1 1 Left

I/O Port 2

Pins 0-3
These pins are wired into the address A8 to A11 for cartridge access.

Pin 4
When this pin is set to a logic 1, the LED storage registers are latched into the LED output drivers for a synchronous display change. This pin must be set to 0 before writing to the LED storage registers.

Pins 5-7
A read from external RAM causes the following:

P2[7] P2[6] P2[5] Description
0 0 0 None
0 0 1 LED #1-#8 storage register write
0 1 0 LED #9-#16 storage register write
0 1 1 LED #17-#24 storage register write
1 0 0 LED #25-#32 storage register write
1 0 1 LED #33-#40 storage register write
1 1 0 COP411 reset register write
1 1 1 not used/unknown

Pins 4-7 are also connected to the COP411 inputs and are used to transfer two sound command nibbles over these lines when the COP411 reset is released. A read from external RAM with P2 at $C0 and data bit D0 set to ’1′ will release the soundchip from reset.
For more in depth information refer to Sound.

Pin 5 to 7 select the LED rows group to be written on external RAM access.
When pin 4 is set to high, all the LED registers are latched all at once into the LED bar.
For more in depth information refer to Graphics.