Exhibition: Animated Wonderworlds

The exhibition Animated Wonderworlds at Museum für Gestaltung Zurich is a wonderful modern trip through the facettes of animated images and electronic versatility. Our Tamagotchi collection can be seen in the exhibition, from the very first pre-series-one japanese male and female version over the japanese series one and the european first edition up to the newest generation. Make sure to visit the exhibition before 10th of January if you can!

Exhibition: Hamster Hipster Handy

April 25th – July 05th 2015, Museum Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt: Under the Spellbound of the Mobile Phone.
Many people can no longer imagine everyday life without a mobile phone, or “Handy”, as it is fondly called in the German-speaking world. Within this context, Hamster and Hipster will serve as two contradictory leading characters. In the exhibition, Hamster and Hipster will represent the two extremes of the object cosmos of the cell phone, which is as complex as it is ambiguous. The objects on view will offer a visual foray into the universe of the mobile phone as a culture and consumer object. They will include photographs, interactive installations, video art, painting and street art by artists and designers, enhanced by artefacts of everyday material culture (from the Jugendkulturarchiv Frankfurt, the private Birgit Richard collection at the Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main) and a collection of cell phones (MEGA).